Pace Converter

Pace Converter

Pace Converter – Free Online Tool to Convert min/km, s/m and min/mi

Convert pace values instantly! Enter a value, select a unit, and get the equivalent paces in all supported units like minutes per kilometer (min/km), seconds per minute (s/m), and minutes per mile (min/mi).

How to Use the Pace Converter?

  1. Enter a Value – Input the pace value you want to convert.
  2. Select the Unit – Choose the unit you're converting from (e.g., min/km, s/m, min/mi).
  3. Click "Calculate" – Instantly get the equivalent pace in all other supported units.

Supported Units:

  • Minute per kilometer (min/km)
  • Second per minute (s/m)
  • Minute per mile (min/mi)

Example Conversion:

If you enter 1 minute per kilometer (min/km), you will instantly get:

  • Minute per kilometer (min/km): 1 min/km (input value)
  • Second per minute (s/m): 60 s/m
  • Minute per mile (min/mi): 1.60934 min/mi

Why Use Our Pace Converter?

✔️ Free & Instant – Convert pace between min/km, s/m, and min/mi with ease.
✔️ Accurate Conversions – Get precise results for running, cycling, or other activities.
✔️ Perfect for Athletes & Coaches – Ideal for tracking running/cycling paces and improving performance.
✔️ Completely Free Online Tool – No hidden charges or subscriptions.

Start converting pace values now!


Ajay Yadav

CEO / Co-Founder

Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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